Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Picnik (no not the chocolate bar)

Mr S
Originally uploaded by Brett747
Well we have marched down to RSL for another drop in session, and again thanks to the team i have now managed to use Picnik, which i think is a fantastic thing to use for photo's, also i have managed to link Picnik and flickr together (well i did have some help) anyway please take a look at my picture taken from Picnik.......bring on the next task!!!

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Hurrayyyy at long last i have created my "flickr" account, i was very good uploaded pictures, so now i am awaiting the insults from all my friends (if i have any) , i must admit i wasn't keen on doing "another" Facebook page, but now i am getting into until next time.....

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

RSS feeds..

Some people might say as you get older your brain takes a while to digest things, today was that day (and please no sarcastic comments) so after what seemed like ages i know have my RSS feeds,horayyy you say, (well i did anyway), right time to get on with some work, until next time as they say in Russia.......Moscow.